Are you struggling with low self-esteem? Do your own thoughts about yourself get in the way of how you would like to exist in the world? Is your inner voice often your own worst enemy?
Low self-esteem is learned very early in life. Individuals who suffer from low self-esteem receive an inaccurate message that, in some way, they are not good enough. The beliefs you have about yourself are based on the experiences you’ve had in life and the messages those experiences have given you about the kind of person you are. If you have suffered from numerous negative experiences, your beliefs about yourself will likely be negative.
Most of the influential experiences that helped shape your beliefs about yourself happen early in life. Therefore, what you saw, heard, and felt in your childhood (within a family or school setting) will have a large impact on the way you see yourself and the world.
When people suffer from low self-esteem, they find themselves in patterns of negative thinking and self-talk. These patterns then become the foundation of their personality. And with every experience they encounter, they pull information from the basis of “I’m not good enough.” This type of thinking never allows them a chance to feel the beauty of success, and they move on to the next life experience carrying a sense of overall failure. Therefore, it is important to tease apart these ideas of self from actual reality. Once individuals become aware of how these thoughts developed, they can begin the work of changing them.
Changing them, however, isn’t always an easy process. It can be difficult to see yourself through a lens that is different from the one with which you grew up. Awareness is the first step toward building healthy self-esteem. When you pay attention to your self-talk, you will gain so much information that will help create positive change. Many people are unaware of their inner voice, and they have no idea how much this voice is controlling their moods and actions. The mind is very powerful! When we use it to work for us, we can find the confidence and happiness that we all desperately want and deserve.
If you are struggling with low self-esteem, please know that changing negative beliefs about yourself is possible with the proper support. I can help you change the tune of your inner voice from critical to loving, so that you are able to walk with grace and confidence. Contact me today to schedule an appointment in my Longmont or Boulder, CO office.